Monday, March 14, 2011

Lessons from Michelle ( 19 kids and Counting)

As a mother of 19, Michelle has a wealth of lessons for her family. Get her inspiring words of wisdom and learn how to live life the Duggar way.............

1)Life is a classroom. You never stop learning.

2)Treat others the way you that you would like to be treated.

3)Whisper when in a public place! (Teaching children respect for others.)

4)Saying there are too many children is like saying there are too many flowers! -- Mother Teresa (a quote I often repeat)

5)Look for ways to show kindness or invest into the lives of those who irritate or offend you. It will help you to forgive and not hold bitterness.

6)Be quick to ask forgiveness when you have wronged someone.

7)Have an attitude of repentance instead of just a feeling of regret.

8)Look for benefits in the trials you are facing

9)Think of one good quality you see in a person and share it with them.

10) Do all things without grumbling or complaining.

11) Express Gratefulness to someone who has served you.

12) Realize boundaries are given for protection.

13)Think pure thoughts.

14)Take full responsibility for your wrong doing, don't try to cover your faults.

15)"If you can't say something nice, then don't say nothin' at all." - Thumper on the movie "Bambi" (I say this to my young children often.)


1 comment:

  1. These are all great! I love them all and completely agree! Thank you for sharing these amazing quotes. Hope you had a great week;0)

    Hugs xx
    Cecelia B
